Friday, December 18, 2009

More Middle school Mayhem...

Okay so things have gotten a bit better at my middle school.

I complained about the way things were going and people listened. Although I think they missed the mark on where the issue truly lies... The end result was that I no longer have to teach 3 classes on Mondays at my middle school. Which is great more time to watch dramas online. *ahem* I mean lesson plan. hahaha

I have to admit I'm developing a love/hate relationship with my third grade students at my middle school. They don't pay attention, talk in class, and most of the time just sleep... but there are some that work hard and participate that make the class worth while.

Some students even come into my office and talk. They don't have all the vocab to say what they want which makes for interesting conversations. One student for about the past month has been coming into my office and asking me about kpop. "Do you know T-ara?" "Do you know Kara?" etc... On one occasion he started to do the dance from the "Mister" music video. So its been a weekly event having him come into my office to dance for me. The dancing isn't all that great but I think he just wants to make me laugh. Dancerboi really makes my day.

Today in class I was doing a lesson on "What do you want?" and they were to practice saying things they want. Well Dancerboi says to me "I want you" . I have to admit I was caught off guard there since the way it was said didn't seem like a joke. I suppose if I spoke Korean, wasn't his teacher, and, was ten years younger something could possibly happen but in this reality... no dice!

For a few weeks now the head teacher has been coming into my office and telling me classes are canceled so I can "take a rest" so I do nothing but twiddle my thumbs waiting to go home. I have been tempted on several occasions to play ninja a leave early.. maybe one day I will... sssshhhhh

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